Monday, March 1, 2010

Gorilla born at Disney's Animal Kingdom Theme Park

A baby western lowland gorilla was born at Disney's Animal Kingdom Theme Park Feb. 19.

Animal care experts from Disney's Animal Programs report that the baby, whose sex is still unknown, and first-time mother, 17-year-old Kashata, are doing well and the baby already is an integral member of the gorilla family group. Since the birth, baby and mom have been spending their days, along with the baby's father Gino, and the rest of the family group on the park's Pangani Forest Exploration Trail.

Members of the primate team at Disney's Animal Kingdom Theme Park are encouraged by Katasha's natural instincts at motherhood.

"Kashata has been the perfect mom from the moment the baby was born, said Matt Hohne, Animal Operations director for Disney's Animal Programs. "She immediately knew how to hold the baby, and nursing has been going great."

The yet-to-be-named baby is the third gorilla born at the theme park. Mother Kashata was bred as a part of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums' western lowland gorilla Species Survival Plan, which makes breeding recommendations to participating locations. The first birth took place in 1997 before Disney's Animal Kingdom Theme Park opened and the second was in 1999. There now are nine gorillas currently residing at the park, which are divided into two groups: one consists of four adult males; a family group that includes a baby, mother, father and two other adult females.

(c) Disney

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